Friday 16 March 2012

sakit hati

Ya Allah...sakitnye hati sayaaaaaaaa....saya tawu awak tu senior kat cni, n saya, xyahla sampai nak biadap sgt putuskan perbualan dgn mletakkn telefon dgn serta merta...saya manusia ok, yang punya hati dan perasaan..

Friday 30 September 2011

tHe KaKaRocT: [Cerpen] Bermalam di katil lelaki

tHe KaKaRocT: [Cerpen] Bermalam di katil lelaki

Self Esteem

em, lamanya ak tinggalkan blog nie...da bpe bulan dah..bersawang siap dah blog nie...hurm...bnde yg bermain dlm pemikiran ak skrg adalah....mcmane ye ak tingkatkn self esteem sy ni? or cmne nk tngaktkn tahap konfiden dlm diri? ak suke tgk org yg brani berucap di khalayak ramai..ak sku tgk org yg pndai attact audience ble berucap...ak teringin nk jadi mcmne ye? ak rse self esteem diri ak ni myb lom tnggi...jom kite tgk cara2 nk tngkatkn self esteem diri...bnde ni skdr pkngsian n bdsrkn pembacaan ak di internet...:D

  1. First, greet others with a smile and look them directly in the eye. A smile and direct eye contact convey confidence born of self-respect. In the same way, answer the phone pleasantly whether at work or at home, and when placing a call, give your name before asking to speak to the party you want to reach. Leading with your name underscores that a person with self-respect is making the call.
    • Memula skali, kita mesti greet others dgn senyumann dan look directly ke dlm mata dorg..kenapa?? kerana eye contact boleh membuatkn kita confidence. selain daripada itu, kita kena mmeperkenalkn diri sebelum bercakap ketika membuat pnggilan telefon.bila kita selalu menyebut nama kita, kita akn lebih yakin dgn diri kita sndri..
  2. Second, always show real appreciation for a gift or complement. Don't downplay or sidestep expressions of affection or honor from others. The ability to accept or receive is a universal mark of an individual with solid self-esteem.
  3. Third, don't brag. It's almost a paradox that genuine modesty is actually part of the capacity to gracefully receive compliments. People who brag about their own exploits or demand special attention are simply trying to build themselves up in the eyes of others — and that's because they don't perceive themselves as already worthy of respect.
  4. Fourth, don't make your problems the centerpiece of your conversation. Talk positively about your life and the progress you're trying to make. Be aware of any negative thinking, and take notice of how often you complain. When you hear yourself criticize someone — and this includes self-criticism — find a way to be helpful instead of critical
  5. Fifth, respond to difficult times or depressing moments by increasing your level of productive activity. When your self-esteem is being challenged, don't sit around and fall victim to "paralysis by analysis." The late Malcolm Forbes said, "Vehicles in motion use their generators to charge their own batteries. Unless you happen to be a golf cart, you can't recharge your battery when you're parked in the garage!"
  6. Sixth, choose to see mistakes and rejections as opportunities to learn. View a failure as the conclusion of one performance, not the end of your entire career. Own up to your shortcomings, but refuse to see yourself as a failure. A failure may be something you have done — and it may even be something you'll have to do again on the way to success — but a failure is definitely not something you are.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

hatiku ingin mencari cinta

em...hatiku rase x tenang la skrg...adkh ak smkin alpa n lalai dlm mncari cintaNya?? be honest, ble ak fkir soal kawin, soal jodoh, ak sangat gusar dan takut..
hingga kini ak masih mencari-cari dan tercari2 siapa jdohku...umur akn msuk 24thn pd hjg thn nt..kluarga da ramai yg btnya...em..mgkin pgntunganku padaNya msh blom kuat barangkali...
ak yakin akn ktntuannNya...
tp mgkin usahaku dlm mncri jdoh yg sesuai msh blom ckup...
bkn xde kenalan lelaki yg b'kenan ngn ak n try utk memikat pntu hatiku msh lom tbka utk mnerima..ak sndri pn xtawu knpe leh jd mcm nie...

ade org kata, jgn terlalu memilih ble mncri psgn pada ak, boleh memilih tp jgn terlalu memilih...
bcz pemilihan tu perlu gak cz dgn psgn itulah yg kita akn hidup bersama hingga akhir hayat...Insyaallah...
jika keserasian kurang, payah gak...n ag stu, ak btol2 inginkan lelaki yg btanggugjawab...bcz beliau akn mnjdi ketua keluarga kelak...

ak jga inginkan lelaki yg mmpunyai fikrah islamiyah dlm drinya...
ak bkn terlalu perfect, sbb itu, ak perlukan lelaki yg sbgitu utk mndidik ak...
bcz ak ingin hidup bhagia dgn beliau di dunia dan d akhirat kelak...
impianku adalh ingin mnjdi isteri yg solehah bcz isteri solehah akn mnjdi ketua bidadari d akhirat kelak utk si suami...

tp, ak btol2 buntu utk mncri lelaki yg mmpunyai fikrah islamiyah...ak inginkan lelaki bgitu bcz ak ingin beliau utk cnduct aktvti usrah dlm kluargaku kelak...hehe..tnggi btol cita2ku ini...
ak bkn ape, tp ak yakin, usrah dlm kluarga mampu untuk mengeratkan lgi uhwah sesama ahli kluarga bcz time usrah la kita leh saling ingat mengingati antra stu sma lain especially utk si ayah atau si ibu memberi peringatan buat anak2nya kelak.. tahla...ade ke lelaki yg mcm tu nak kt ak ni ek?? ak bknnye alim sgt ak ske ble ade org bimbing ak...em...t'ingin sgt nk jd wanita solehah, nk pkai tdung labuh...nk ade suami yg sntiasa mmberi skongn dan drongan..

em...ble bercerita soal ini, mmg bnyk sgt nk rsenye better stop kt cni dlu kot...ade mse nt, i'allah smbung ag..;)

--aku yang mendambakan cinta sejati--

my 1st step

salam... (dtjukan wt sesape yg bce my blog) is my 1st day create my own blog..
lom penah ade blog sndri ag...
eh? silap2...ade kt friendster..hehe..
tp tu dulu la..skrg da x bkk frenster ag, so xde blog dah..
n arini tetibe t'ingin nk create blog...
sje nk gunekan this medium as d place utk sy meluahkn prasaan..

em...act bile bce blog ramai org, rse sronok n tu yg teruja nk ade blog sndri...
tp sejauh mana kerajinanku utk update selalu...i dun bz dgn rutin seharian la..
em..skrg ni, tgah stdy...bce article utk preparation utk test mnggu nie...huhu...sgt cuak la...

i am wondering on how to become a very smart n intelligent person...em...really want to become like that...
i really want to become a person who have much more idea compare to others...